
Control4 is a company that focuses on automation systems for residential and commercial clients, integrating systems such as lighting, music, video, security, communications, and more into one smart home system in order to improve its clients’ daily lives. At Innovative Sight & Sound, our expert technicians have been designing and installing automated home systems for years and our top choice is alwaysControl4’s systems because they unlock the potential of all your connected devices, making them all much easier to use. When Control4 came on the scene back in 2004, everyone in the home automation business was impressed because their systems were of high-quality systems at about half the cost of the top competition at the time. More than a decade later, Control4 still is still producing the best home automation systems available to anyone who wants to simplify their lives by converting their home into a smart home.

App control
One of the best benefits that you get is that you can use an app to control everything in your house from your smartphone.

Handheld remote
Using an app is great and very convenient, but while you are inside your house, another option that you have is to control everything from your remote control.

Smart functions
You can choose to program your smart home to do things for you that make your life more convenient without you having to tell it to do so every time such as turning the light on or off, regulating the house’s climate and other things for when you get up or get back home. 

Changing settings is easy to do
Whenever you need to manipulate your smart home’s settings, you will find that doing so is easy and intuitive.


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